Click on the pages to the right for more detailed information.
If there is any information or questions that you have in addition, please do not hesistate to contact us either on our contact page or by phone. We are here to help.
What Products to choose for a specific project or soil problem.
We recommend using our Fertimulch Poultry Compost
TM, Soil Prep Conditioner
or our Mushroom Compost.
We recommend our Premium Organic Compost TM.
Try using our Vegetable Garden Booster TM, Premium Organic Compost TM Mushroom Compost, Fertimulch Poultry Compost, or Steer Manure.
We recommend using our Soil Prep Conditioner, or our Topsoil Plus TM with mixing in your exsisting soil. We do not recommend steer manure for flowers
Try our Fertilite Flowerbed Mix TM, Topsoil Blend, or if only adding a few inches to an existing flower bed, try our Topsoil Plus TM.
Use either Topsoil Plus TM or Topsoil Blend.
Miller-gro Sodbuilder Top Dressing TM, Premium Organic Compost , Topsoil PlusTM, Ultimate Turf Booster, Iron Right or Steer Manure.
Tree and Shrub Planting Mix fo direct planting or as an amendment. Use our Soil Prep Conditioner to mix with your native soil.
Miller’s Mix for Box Gardens, All Organic Professionals Potting Mix or if mixing your own, try using the Coconut Coir and Perlite. And don’t forget to mix in our Miller’s A to Z Mix.
Prepare and amend the soil to begin with one of our composts. Then cover seed with about ¼”of the Coconut Coir.
If you have an existing raised box garden that you are adding the compost back into for the growing season, use our Premium Organic Compost TM, or Soil Prep Conditioner. For boxes that the soil level has sunken just add more of ou Miller's Mix for Box Gardens.
Miller Companies LC. Hyrum, UT 435-245-3157