Soil Components for Soil Blending

Soil Prep Conditioner


A custom mix soil conditioner with composted forest products and just the right amount of composted steer manure to help alliveate the possible nitrogen depletion that may occur with some varieties of plants.

Premium Organic Compost


Custom blended for a high biodiversity in microbes.

A combination of composted forest products, composted alfalfa and by-grain products, Miller gro fiber, black peat and composted straw.

Coconut Coir


Mix up to 1/3 in your own potting mix, raised box mix or in sandy soils to retain moisture.




  • Use to retain water and nutrients in hot, dry areas within the landscape, in potting mixes and sandy soils.
  • Perfect for using as a topdressing over newly seeded lawns.
  • Helps to retain moisture in flower pots, window boxes or planters.
  • Use in Hydroponics.
  • Will not get hydrophobic  like peat moss.
  • Compressed block hydrates and retains 8 to 10 times it own weight in water.
  • Lasts for up to 10 years unlike peat moss.
  • Harvested from coconut husks, More enviromentally safe unlike peat moss.

Soil Prep Conditioner Basic

This custom compost mix is a combination of aged wood products and miller gro fiber.  High nutrition, low salts and break up hard, compacted soils.

This product is used as a soil amendment and is not recommended for use as a mulch.


Use up to 1/3 when mixing in hard soils, or potting mixes.

Miller Companies LC.  Hyrum, UT    435-245-3157

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